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Esther Hershenhorn

"Writing for Children"

Writer's Workshop

Readying Your Manuscript


July 6th thru 11th

On Campus

$750 per person

more info


I’m enormously proud to continue for a fifth year the Vermont Manuscript Workshop, honoring Workshop founder Barbara Seuling’s love and knowledge of writing for children, dedication to craft and personal investment in her writers and their stories.

Grounded in the ways and wonders of Vermont's beautiful Green Mountains, this summer's workshop offers up to 6 children's book creators:

  • uninterrupted writing time from morning to night in a bounty of beautiful settings inside, outside, all around the town;

  • daily face-to-face facilitator feedback and coaching on their efforts;

  • rich connections with fellow like-minded, like-hearted writers to fine-tune both the story they’re telling and the writer’s life they’re living;

  • evening Read-aloud sessions;

  • drop-in visits by Children’s Book World residents;

  • optional outings to maximize nearby Vermont resources, such as Northshire Books in Manchester and local galleries.

  • focused “Food-for-Thought” Writer’s Journey conversations throughout each day’s three delicious 5* meals.


Interested participants need:

  • a working manuscript on which to focus;

  • a want and a need to take that manuscript to the necessary NEXT LEVEL, whatever that may be;

  • a willingness to connect, as Mary Poppins’ P.L. Travers advised – with their world, their story, themselves.


NOTE: To ensure a worthwhile experience, participants must email the facilitator samples of the work on which they wish to focus by May 25: if a picture book, please send the entire manuscript; if a chapter book, please send the beginning 10 pages plus a synopsis or description of the story.

Author Website

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